
The summer day was hot and sunny,
but no one wanted to play with Bunny.

Grumpy Hare said, "Who'd play with a little ball of fuzz?"
Bunny said, "I'll bet someone does.."

From the bank he saw frogs on lily pads.

"I can hop, too! Wait, stop!"
Bunny tried to follow... and went plop.

As he scrambled out, he saw a school of fish,
twirling their tails near him.

But Bunny couldn't swim.

He asked the beavers to play.

"Come join us---there's plenty of bark to bike."
Bunny tried, but it didn't taste right.

He heard birds twittering in their nest,
having a grand old time.

But Bunny couldn't climb.

He found some goslings. They all began to play,

until the mother goose hissed and chased Bunny away.

In the barn Bunny found a kitten with some yarn.
"Let's play together, no need to play alone!"

"Hey, that's my yarn! Get your own!"

He saw a cow getting milked. The pail was frothy-fizzy.

"Will you play with me, please?" Bunny asked.
Said the cow,"I'm a little busy."

It was becoming a lonely day.
"Doesn't anybody want to play ?"

"I will," said a puppy.

They wrestled with paws and teeth,

But Bunny got squished underneath.

Then they heard a whistle, and the puppy raced away.

"Come back!" Bunny chased after.
He had to find someone who would play.

He watched a boy throw a stick.

The puppy raced for it double-quick,
but Bunny beat him to the spot.
"Those are fast feet you've got!"

The boy laughed and all three played,
and learned the things Bunny could do.

Racing, hide-and-seek, digging, nose-touching...

With perfect ears for peekaboo,
and a perfect shape for cuddling, too.

"Little Bunny, I love you."

從圖書館借書有個好處, 有一種無形的壓力, 不多看幾次, 很快就要拿去還了!這本書的字有點多, 嘟嘟和琳琳聽的懂嗎? 媽媽也不知道, 不過汪老師的武功心法裡的第三點是:"吸引孩子的是故事情節", 至少媽媽可以從頭念到尾(其實連媽媽都需要先查字典), 孩子們只是欣賞優美的圖畫!

有時候會討論一下這隻可憐的小兔子遇到哪些人? Hare, frogs, beavers, birds, cow, kitten..., "馬麻, kitten !","喔! kitten, 小貓!","馬麻, 上次那一本也有kitten!",小孩其實也會聽到"細微的相同", 字彙累積越多, 聽的越有趣!

"Come Back ! Come Back!", 嘟嘟吃飯中場總要休息一下, 跑去放故事 CD 等等, 琳琳就會說:"Come back !", "馬麻, nose-touching!", 有一個人湊了一張小臉過來, 把媽媽的眼鏡都弄花了!


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